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1. Flexible Self-Powered Piezoelectric Pressure Sensor Based on GaN/p-GaN Coaxial Nanowires, A Waseem, MA Johar, MA Hassan, IV Bagal, A Abdullah, SW Ryu*, J. Alloys Compd., 2021.  


2. CF4 Plasma-treated Porous Silicon Nanowire Arrays Laminated with MnO2 Nanoflakes for Asymmetric Pseudocapacitors, IV Bagal, NR Chodankar, A Waseem, MA Johar, SJ Patil, A Abdullah, MA Hassan, YK Han, SW Ryu*, Chem. Eng. J,2021.

3. Room temperature quantum key distribution characteristics of low-noise InGaAs/InP single-photon avalanche diode, SH Baek, SC Yang, CY Park, CW Park, SB Cho, SW Ryu*, J. Korean Phys. Soc., 2021.

4. GaN/Al2O3 core-shell nanowire based flexible and stable piezoelectric energy harvester, A Waseem, MA Johar, MA Hassan, IV Bagal, JS Ha, JK Lee, SW Ryu*, J. Alloys Compd., 158545, 2020

5. GaN Nanowire Growth Promoted by In–Ga–Au Alloy Catalyst with Emphasis on Agglomeration Temperature and In CompositionA Waseem, MA Johar, MA Hassan, IV Bagal, A Abdullah, JS Ha, JK Lee, SW Ryu*,ACS omega, 2021.

6. Flexible, polymer-supported, ZnO nanorod array photoelectrodes for PEC water splitting applications, TF Hou, A Shanmugasundaram, IV Bagal, SW Ryu, DW Lee, Mater Sci Semicond Process, 121., 105445, 2021.

7. Synergic effect of ZnO nanostructures and cobalt phosphate co-catalyst on photoelectrochemical properties of GaN, SS Patil, MA Johar, MA Hassan, A Waseem, IV Bagal, DE Shinde, SW Ryu*, Mater. Chem. Phys., 260.124141, 2021.


8.Stabilizing nanocrystalline Cu2O with ZnO/rGO: Engineered photoelectrodes enables efficient water splitting, A Shanmugasundaram, MA Johar, R Boppella, DS Kim, YJ Jeong, JY Kim, MA Hassan, SW Ryu, DW Lee, Ceram. Int., 2021.  


1. Highly Durable Piezoelectric Nanogenerator by Heteroepitaxy of GaN Nanowires on Cu Foil for Enhanced Output Using Ambient Actuation Sources, MA Johar, A Waseem, MA Hassan, IV Bagal, A Abdullah, JS Ha, SW Ryu*, Adv. Ener. Mater. 10, 2002608, 2020.

2. Epitaxial Growth of GaN Core and InGaN/GaN Multiple Quantum Well Core/Shell Nanowires on a Thermally Conductive Beryllium Oxide Substrate, MA Johar, A Waseem, MA Hassan, IV Bagal, A Abdullah, JS Ha, JK Lee, SW Ryu*, ACS Omega 5, 17753, 2020.

3. RGB arrays for micro-LED applications using nanoporous GaN embedded with quantum dots, JH Kang, B Li, T Zhao, MA Johar, CC Lin, YHs Fang, WH Kuo, KL Liang, S H, SW Ryu, J Han, ACS Appl. Mater. Inter. 12, 30980,  2020.

4. Three-Dimensional Integration of CuO-Si Hierarchical Nanowires for Electrochemical Detection of N2H4, IV Bagal, A Ejaz, A Waseem, MA Johar, M A Hassan, JH Han, SW Ryu*, ACS Appl. Nano. Mater. 3, 4394, 2020.   

5. Growth of a-axial GaN core nanowires, semi-polar (1-101) GaN/InGaN multiple quantum well co-axial nanowires on Si substrate, and their carrier dynamics, MA Johar, A Waseem, HG Song, M A Hassan, I V Bagal, YH Cho, SW Ryu*, Opt. Mater. 105,109854, 2020.

6. Single-step fabrication of 3D hierarchical ZnO/ZnS heterojunction branched nanowires by MOCVD for enhanced photoelectrochemical water splitting, MA Hassan, A Waseem, MA Johar, IV Bagal, JS Ha, SW Ryu*, J. Mater. Chem. A 8, 8300, 2020.

7. Cu2O Heterostructured GaN Thin Film and GaN Nanowire Piezoelectric Nanogenerators, A Waseem, MA Johar, MA Hassan, IV Bagal, JS Ha, JK Lee, SW Ryu*, Phys. Status Solidi A 217, 1900798, 2020.

8. Vertically aligned one-dimensional ZnO/V2O5 core–shell hetero-nanostructure for photoelectrochemical water splitting, TF Hou, MA Johar, R Boppella, MA Hassan, SJ Patil, SW Ryu, DW Lee, Journal of Energy Chemistry 49, 262, 2020.


9. Three-dimensional hierarchical semi-polar GaN/InGaN MQW coaxial nanowires on a patterned Si nanowire template, MA Johar, T Kim, HG Song, A Waseem, JH Kang, MA Hassan, IV Bagal, YH Cho, SW Ryu*, Nanoscale Advances 2, 1654, 2020.


10. Pd-Ni nanoalloy decorated carbon nanotubes based efficient and stable silicon photocathode for acidic water splitting, H Bae, V Burungale, JB Park, SW Bang, SH Kang, SW Ryu, JS Ha, Appl Surf. Sci. 510, 145389, 2020.

11. Transparent carbon nanotube web structures with Ni-Pd nanoparticles for electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding of advanced display devices, J Park, H Rho, AN Cha, H Bae, SH Lee, SW Ryu, JS Ha, Appl Surf. Sci. 516, 145745 (2020).


12.  Universal and scalable route to fabricate GaN nanowire-based LED on amorphous substrate by MOCVD, MAJohar HG Song, A Waseem, MA Hassan, IV Bagal, YH Cho, SW Ryu*, Appl. Mater. Today 19, 100541, 2020.

13. Optical characterization of type-II ZnO/ZnS multiple quantum wells grown by atomic layer deposition, MA Hassan, A Waseem, MA Johar, SY Yu, JK Lee, JS Ha, SW Ryu*, Thin Solid Films 694, 137740, 2020.

14. Enhanced stability of piezoelectric nanogenerator based on GaN/V2O5 core-shell NWs with capacitive contact, A Waseem, MA Johar, MA Hassan, I Bagal, JS Ha, June Key Lee, SW Ryu*, Nanotechnology 31, 075401, 2020.


1. Enhanced photoelectrocatalytic water oxidation using CoPi modified GaN/MWCNTs composite photoanodes, SS Patil, MA Johar, MA Hassan, DR PatilSW Ryu*, Sol Energy 178, 125, 2019.

2. Photoelectrochemical Characterization of p-type InAlP on GaAs for Solar Water Splitting Application, MA Hassan, JH Kang, SS Patil, MA Johar, SW Ryu*, SI Park, J Song, J. Kor. Phys. Soc. 74, 116, 2019.

3. Highly Stable Bulk GaN Photoanode Grown by Hydride Vapor-Phase Epitaxy for Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting, H Bae, H Kim, JW Ju, DW Jeon, SW Ryu, Y Moon, JS Ha, J. Electrochem. Soc. 166, H103, 2019.

4. Type-II ZnO/ZnS core-shell nanowires: Earth abundant photoanode for solar-driven photoelectrochemical water splitting, MA Hassan, MA Johar, A Waseem, IVBagal, JS Ha, SW Ryu*, Opt. Exp. 27, A184, 2019.

5. Enhanced photoelectrochemical stability of GaN photoelectrodes by Al2O3 surface passivation layer, H Kim, H Bae, SW Bang, S Kim, SH Lee, SW Ryu, JS Ha, Opt. Exp. 27, A206, 2019.

6. Hybrid material passivation approach to stabilize the silicon nanowires in aqueous electrolyte for high-energy efficient supercapacitor, NR Chodankar, IV Bagal, SW Ryu*, DHKim, Chem. Eng. J. 362, 609, 2019.

7. Effect of crystal orientation of GaN/V2O5 core-shell nanowires on piezoelectric nanogenerators, A Waseem, MA Johar, MA Hassan, IV Bagal, JS Ha, JK Lee, SW Ryu*, Nano Energy 60, 413, 2019.

8. Highly conversion efficiency of solar water splitting over p-Cu2O/ZnO photocatalyst grown on a metallic substrate, WZ Tawfik, MA Hassan, MA Johar, SW Ryu, JK Lee, J. Catal. 374, 276, 2019.

9. Ultrafast carrier dynamics of conformally grown semi-polar (11-22) GaN/InGaN multiple quantum well co-axial nanowires on m-axial GaN core nanowires, MA Johar, HG Song, A Waseem, JH Kang, JS Ha, YH Cho, SW Ryu*, Nanoscale 11, 10932, 2019.

10. ZnO/Cu2O-decorated rGO: Heterojunction photoelectrode with improved solar water splitting performance”, TF Hou, A Shanmugasundaram, MA Hassan, MA Johar, SW Ryu, DW Lee, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 44, 19177, 2019.

11. Cu2O as an emerging photocathode for solar water splitting - A status review, IVBagal, NR Chodankar, MA Hassan, A Waseem, MA Johar, DH Kim, SW Ryu*, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 44, 21351, 2019.


12. Transferred monolayer MoS2 onto GaN for heterostructure photoanode: Toward stable and efficient photoelectrochemical water splitting, MA Hassan, MW Kim, MA Johar, A Waseem, MK Kwon, SW Ryu*, Sci. Rep. 9,20141, 2019.

13. Cathodoluminescence of a 2 inch ultraviolet-light-source tube based on the integration of AlGaN materials and carbon nanotube field emitters, WZ Tawfik, CM Manoj Kumar, J Park, SK Shim, H Lee, JLee, JH Han, SW Ryu, NLee, JK Lee, Journal of Materials Chemistry C 7, 11540, 2019.

14. Nano-Micro-Structured Nickel-Cobalt Hydroxide/Ni2P2O7 Assembly on Nickel Foam: An Outstanding Electrocatalyst for Alkaline Oxygen Evolution Reaction, NR Chodankar, IV Bagal, SW Ryu, YK Han, DH Kim, ChemCatChem 11, 4256, 2019.


1.High-performance ZnS/GaN heterostructure photoanode for photoelectrochemical water splitting applications, MA Hassan, JH Kang, MA Johar, JS Ha, SW Ryu*, Acta Materialia 146, 171, 2018.

2. Efficient Electrochemical Potentiostatic Activation Method for GaN-Based Green Vertical-LEDs, WZ Tawfik, SO Cho, JS Ha, SW Ryu, DJ Cai, JK Lee, ECS J. Solid State Sci. Technol. 7, Q47, 2018.

3. Enhanced performance of GaN-based LEDs via electroplating of a patterned copper layer

on the backside, WZ Tawfik, GY Hyun, SJ Lee, SW Ryu, JS Ha, JK Lee, J. Mater. Sci. 53, 8878, 2018.

4. A scalable, flexible and transparent GaN based heterojunction piezoelectric nanogenerator for bending, air-flow and vibration energy harvesting, MA Johar, JH Kang, MA Hassan, SW Ryu*, Appl. Energy 222, 781, 2018.

5. Enhanced piezoelectric output of NiO/nanoporous GaN by suppression of internal carrier screening, A. Waseem, DK Jeong, MA Johar, JH Kang, JS Ha, JK Lee, SW Ryu*, Semicon. Sci. Technol. 33, 065007, 2018.

6. Solvent Additive-Assisted Anisotropic Assembly and Enhanced Charge Transport of π‑Conjugated Polymer Thin Films, JW Jeong, G Jo, S Choi, YA Kim, H Yoon, SW Ryu, J Jung, Mincheol Chang, ACS Appl. Mater. Inter. 10, 18131, 2018.

7. Stable and High Piezoelectric Output of GaN Nanowire-Based Lead-Free Piezoelectric Nanogenerator by Suppression of Internal Screening, MA Johar, MA Hassan, A Waseem, JS Ha, JK Lee, SW Ryu*, Nanomaterials 8, 437, 2018.

8. Anchoring MWCNTs to 3D honeycomb ZnO/GaN heterostructures to enhancing photoelectrochemical water oxidation, SS Patil, MA Johar, MA Hassan, DR Patil, SW Ryu*, Appl. Catal. B Environ. 237, 791, 2018.

9. Facile morphology control of high aspect ratio patterned Si nanowires by metal-assisted chemical etching, IVBagal, MA Johar, MA Hassan, A Waseem, SW Ryu*, J. Mater. Sci. Mater. Electron. 29, 18167, 2018.

10. Optical and Structural Analysis of Zinc Oxysulfide Digital Alloys Grown by Atomic Layer Deposition SY Yu, MA Hassan, MA Johar, SW Ryu*, J. Kor. Phys. Soc. 73, 649, 2018.

11. Research on Fabrication of Silicon Lens for Optical Communication by Photolithography Process, J Park, D Lee, H Rho, S Kim, J Heo, SW Ryu, SJ Kang, JS Ha, J. Microelectron. Packag. Soc. 25, 35, 2018.

12. Facile growth of high aspect ratio c-axis GaN nanowires and their application as flexible p-n NiO/GaN piezoelectric nanogenerators, MA Johar, A Waseem, MA Hassan, JH Kang, JS Ha, JK Lee, SW Ryu*, Acta Materialia 161, 237, 2018.

13. Facile Synthesis of Well-Aligned ZnO Nanowires on Various Substrates by MOCVD for Enhanced Photoelectrochemical Water-Splitting Performance, MA HassanMA  JoharSY Yu, SW Ryu*, ACS Sustain. Chem. Eng. 6, 16047, 2018.


1. Low-Cost CWDM Transceiver Module by Spatial Power Combination and Division for Multimode Fiber Links, HKim, I Kim, HS Lee, JB Yoon, HK Shin, SW Ryu*, IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 29, p. 39, 2017.

2. Controlled synthesis of GaN-based nanowires for photoelectrochemical water splitting applications, M Ebaid, JH Kang, SW Ryu*, Semicon. Sci. Technol. 32, 013001, 2017.

3. Enhanced performance of a GaN piezoelectric nanogenerator with an embedded nanoporous layer via the suppressed carrier screening effect, JH Kang, DK Jeong, JS Ha, JK Lee, SW Ryu*, Semicon. Sci. Technol. 32, 025001, 2017.

4. Improvement in homogeneity and binning yield of color coordinate by a conformal phosphor sheet technique in white flip-chip LEDs, SH Park, SH Lee, YH Kim, YW Kim, SW Ryu*, Semicon. Sci. Technol. 32, 035022, 2017.

5. The Effect of the number of InGaN/GaN pairs on the photoelectrochemical properties of InGaN/GaN multi quantum wells, H Bae, JB Park, K Fujii, HJ Lee, SH Lee, SW Ryu, JKLee, JS Ha, Appl. Surf. Sci. 401, 348-352, 2017.

6. Transparent, Flexible Piezoelectric Nanogenerator Based on GaN Membrane Using Electrochemical Lift-Off, JH Kang, DK Jeong, SW Ryu*, ACS Appl. Mater. Inter. 9, 10637-10642, 2017.

7. Design of Silicon Plano Convex Lens for Optimized Light Coupling Between Laser Diodes and Single Mode Optical Fiber, IY Hwang, J Park, JS Ha, SW Ryu*, Korean J. Met. Mater. 55, 274-283, 2017.

8. Controlled conductivity of p-type CuxO/GaN piezoelectric generator to harvest very high piezoelectric potential, MA Johar, JH Kang, JS Ha, JK Lee, SW Ryu*, J. Alloy Compd. 726, 765-771, 2017.

9. One-Pot in Situ Hydrothermal Growth of BiVO4/Ag/rGO Hybrid Architectures for Solar Water Splitting and Environmental Remediation, SS Patil, MG Mali, MA Hassan, DR Patil, SS Kolekar, SW Ryu*, Sci. Rep. 7, 8404, 2017.

10. Enhanced piezoelectric operation of NiO/GaN heterojunction generator by suppressed internal carrier screening, DK Jeong, JH Kang, JS Ha, SW Ryu*, J.  Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 50, 425101, 2017.

11. Design of a Silicon Fresnel Lens for Optimized Light Coupling in a Transmitter Optical Subassembly, IY Hwang, JS Ha, SW Ryu*, Korean J. Met. Mater. 55, 813, 2017.

12. Facile growth of density- and diameter-controlled GaN nanobridges and their photodetector application, J Kang, MA Johar, B Alshehri, E Dogheche SW Ryu*, J. Mater. Chem. C 5, 11879, 2017.

13. Controlled carrier screening in p-n NiO/GaN piezoelectric generators by an Al2O3 insertion layer, MA Johar, DK Jeong, MA Hassan, JH Kang, JS Ha, JK Lee, SW Ryu*, J.  Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 50, 485501, 2017.


1. Improved Reliability of InGaN-Based Light-Emitting Diodes by HfO2 Passivation Layer, SH Park, YS Kim, Tae Hoon Kim, SW Ryu*, J. Nanosci. Nanotech. 16, 1765-1767, 2016.

2. Piezoelectric field in highly stressed GaN-based LED on Si (111) substrate, WZ Tawfik, GY Hyun, SW Ryu, JS Ha, JK Lee, Optical Materials 55, p. 17, 2016.

3. Direct growth of nano-crystalline graphite films using pulsed laser deposition with in-situ monitoring based on reflection high-energy electron diffraction technique, JH Kwak, SS Lee, HJ Lee, G Anoop, HJ Lee, WS Kim, SW Ryu, HS Kim, JY Jo, Appl. Phys. Lett. 108, p. 123107, 2016.

4. Efficient energy harvesting of a GaN p–n junction piezoelectric generator through suppressed internal field screening, JH Kang, M Ebaid, DK Jeong, JK Lee, SW Ryu*, J. Mater. Chem. C 4, p. 3337, 2016.

5. Parallel Aligned Mesopore Arrays in Pyramidal-Shaped Gallium Nitride and Their Photocatalytic Applications, HJ Kim, J Park, BU Ye, CJ Yoo, JL Lee, SW Ryu, H Lee, KJ Choi, JM Baik, ACS Appl. Mater. Inter. 8, p. 18201-18207, 2016.

6. Optical Characteristics of Wet-Thermally Oxidized Bulk and Nanoporous GaN, S Kim, M Kadam, JH Kang, SW Ryu*, Electron. Mater. Lett. 12, p. 596, 2016.

7. Fabrication of High Reflectivity Nanoporous Distributed Bragg Reflectors by Controlled Electrochemical Etching of GaN, SM  Lee, JH Kang, JK Lee, SW Ryu*, Electron. Mater. Lett. 12, p. 673, 2016.

8.  Optical Characteristics of Single-Crystal InGaN Nanowires Grown via Metal-Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition with a Ni Catalyst, SY Kwon, SK Moon, C Lee, M Ebaid, JH Kang, SW Ryu, JK Yang, J. Nanosci. Nanotech. 16, p. 12967, 2016.

9. Influence of Mg Flux on the Photoelectrochemical Properties of p-Type GaN for Hydrogen Production, H Bae, E Kim, JB Park, K Fujii, S Lee, HJ Lee, SW Ryu, JK Lee, JS Ha, J. Nanosci. Nanotech. 16, p. 10635, 2016.

10. Fabrication of Colloidal InGaN/GaN Quantum Dots from Epitaxially Grown Quantum Wells, JH Kang, M Ebaid, J Lee, SW Ryu*, Nanosci. Nanotech. Lett. 8, p. 760, 2016.


1. A 1´8 Splitter Chip with Integrated Fiber Grooves for Reliable Passive Alignment of Fiber Arrays, JK Oh, JH Cho, SW Ryu, HJ Lee, IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 27, p. 249-252, 2015.

2.Enhanced solar hydrogen generation of high density, high aspect ratio, coaxial InGaN/GaN multi-quantum well nanowires, M Ebaid, JH Kang, SH Lim, JS Ha, JK Lee, YH Cho, SW Ryu* , Nano Energy 12, p. 215, 2015.

3. Controllable Synthesis of Vapor-Liquid-Solid Grown GaN Nanowires for Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting Applications, M Ebaid, JH Kang, SW Ryu*, J. Electrochem. Soc. 162, p. H264, 2015.

4. Towards highly efficient photoanodes: The role of carrier dynamics on the photoelectrochemical performance of InGaN/GaN multiple quantum well coaxial nanowires, M Ebaid, JH Kang, SH Lim, YH Cho, SW Ryu*, RSC Adv. 5, p. 23303, 2015.

5. Effect of Sapphire Substrate Thickness on the Characteristics of 450 nm InGaN/GaN Multi-Quantum Well Light-Emitting Diodes, WZ Tawfik, SJ Bae, SB Yang, SW Ryu, JK Lee, J. Nanosci. Nanotech. 15, p. 5140, 2015.

6. Optically pumped GaN vertical cavity surface emitting laser with high index-contrast nanoporous distributed Bragg reflector, SM Lee, SH Gong, JH Kang, M Ebaid, SW Ryu,  YH Cho, Optics Express 23, p. 11023-11030, 2015.

7. Chemical synthesis of porous web-structured CdS thin films for photosensor applications, SR Gosavi, CP NikamAR ShelkeAM PatilSW RyuJS BhatN.G. Deshpande, Mater. Chem. Phys. 160, p. 244-250, 2015.

8. Electrochemical removal of hydrogen atoms in Mg-doped GaN epitaxial layers, JK Lee, GY Hyeon, WZ Tawfik, HS Choi, SW Ryu, T Jeong, E Jung, H Kim, J. Appl. Phys. 117, p. 185702, 2015.

9. Optical study of phase-separated thick InGaN layers grown on a compliant substrate, JH Kang, M Ebaid, JK Lee, SW Ryu*, Appl. Phys. A 121, p. 765-771, 2015.

10. Vertically aligned InGaN nanowires with engineered axial In composition for highly efficient visible light emission, M Ebaid, JH Kang, YS Yoo, SH Lim, YH Cho, SW Ryu*, Scientific Reports 5, p. 17003, 2015.


1. Ultrashort carrier lifetime of vapor–liquid–solid-grown GaN/InGaN multi-quantum-well coaxial nanorods, M Ebaid, JH Kang, SH Lim, SM Ko, YH Cho, SW Ryu*, Acta Materialia 65, p. 118, 2014.

2. Nano-Scale SiO2 Patterned n-Type GaN Substrate for 380 nm Ultra Violet Light Emitting Diodes, MS Jo, HW Seo, WZ Tawfik, SB Yang, JJ Lee, SW Ryu, JS Ha, SR Jeon, H Cui, SH Park, JK Lee, J. Nanosci. Nanotech. 14, p. 6108, 2014.

3. Improved efficiency and stability of GaN photoanode in photoelectrochemical water splitting by NiO cocatalyst, SH Kim, M Ebaid, JH Kang, SW Ryu*, Appl. Surf. Sci. 305, p. 638, 2014.

4. Enhanced Water Splitting Stability with Controlled NiO Co-Catalyst on GaN Photoanode, SH Kim, JH Kang, and SW Ryu*, J. Nanosci. Nanotech. 14, p. 7903, 2014.

5. Fabrication of Vertical Light Emitting Diode Based on Thermal Deformation of Nanoporous GaN and Removable Mechanical Supporter, JH Kang, M Ebaid, JK Lee, T Jeong, SW Ryu*, ACS Appl. Mater. Inter. 6, p.8683, 2014.

6. Optical waveguiding properties into porous gallium nitride structures investigated by prism coupling technique, B Alshehri, SM Lee, JH Kang, SH Gong, SW Ryu, YH Cho, E Dogheche, Appl. Phys. Lett. 94, p. 221907, 2014.

7. Efficient photoelectrochemical water splitting by a doping-controlled GaN photoanode coated with NiO cocatalyst, JH Kang, SH Kim, M Ebaid, JK Lee, SW Ryu*, Acta Materialia 79, p. 188, 2014.

8. Effect of residual compressive stress on near-ultraviolet InGaN/GaN multi-quantum well light-emitting diodes, WZ Tawfik, SJ Bae, SW Ryu, T Jeong, JK Lee, Optical Materials 38, p. 131, 2014.


1. Improvement in Crystal Quality and Optical Properties of n-Type GaN Employing Nano-Scale SiO2 Patterned n-Type GaN Substrate, MS Jo, KG Sadasivam, WZ Tawfik, SB Yang, JJ Lee, JS Ha, YB Moon, SW Ryu, JK Lee, J. Nanosci. Nanotech. 13, p. 545, 2013.

2. Self Assembled Growth of GaSb Nano Triangles on GaN/Sapphire Substrate, SH Moon, J Park, JK Lee, SW Ryu*, J. Nanosci. Nanotech. 13, p. 1943, 2013.

3. Effect of Silicon Doping on GaN Nanorods during Vapor–Liquid–Solid Growth”, M Ebaid, JH Kang, JK Lee, SW Ryu*, Jap. J. Appl. Phys. 52, p. 08JE08, 2013.

4. High Diffuse Reflectivity of Nanoporous GaN Distributed Bragg Reflector Formed by Electrochemical Etching, J Park, JH Kang, SW Ryu*, Appl. Phys. Express 6, 072201, 2013.

5. Enhanced photocurrent and persistent photoconductivity in nanoporous GaN formed by electrochemical etching, YH Lee, JH Kang, SW Ryu*, Thin Solid Films 540, 150, 2013.

6. Surface Passivation of High Density InGaN/GaN Nanorods Fabricated by Reactive Ion Etching, YM Song, SH Kim, JH Kang, J Park, SR Jeon, SW Ryu*, J. Nanosci. Nanotech. 13, p. 7177, 2013.

7. Electrochemical potentiostatic activation for improvement of internal quantum efficiency of 385-nm ultraviolet light-emitting diodes, HS Choi, HJ Kim, JJ Lee, HW Seo, WZ Tawfik, JS Ha, SW Ryu, SR Jun, T Jeong, JK Lee, Appl. Suf. Sci. 283, p. 521, 2013.

8. Effect of external tensile stress on blue InGaN/GaNmulti-quantum-well light-emitting diodes, WZ Tawfik, J Song, JJ Lee, JS Ha, SW Ryu, HS Choi, B Ryu, JK Lee, Appl. Suf. Sci. 283, p. 727, 2013.

9. Controlled growth mode of high-aspect-ratio GaN nanorods by Ni/In/Ga catalyst, M Ebaid, JH Kang, JK Lee SW Ryu*, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 46, p. 385105, 2013.

10. Uni-axial external stress effect on green InGaN/GaN multi-quantum-well light-emitting diodes, B Ryu, WZ Tawfik, SJ Bae, JS Ha, SW Ryu, HS Choi, JK Lee, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 46, p. 435103, 2013.

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Professor Ryu's Research Group

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